To saturate Auburn with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and extend an invitation to connect with and experience enjoyable community at Grace.
Grace Community Church is taking flight on a mission to reach Auburn for Jesus.
We have adopted the zip code, 98002, an area where approximately 12,500 homes will receive a hand-delivered package that includes the Gospel message and invite to Grace.
Our vision is for our entire church family to participate at some level - where unity is apparent, and the message of hope is lived out and passed on. |
How do we Saturate?
1. ADOPT We have adopted 98002. That's 12,500 families to share the Gospel with! |
2. RECEIVE Saturate USA provided and delivered all materials free of charge.
3. ASSEMBLE Sign up for a time to come assemble Saturation Packs, including dvds, gospel tracts, and info about Grace. If you are unable to come out Saturday to hang bags, this is a perfect time to participate in the evangelism! |
4. SATURATE Come out on Saturday, November 16th, to deliver Saturation Packs to the community. We will be in groups of 4-5 with one driver per group. What can be better than: spreading the love of God, growing the church, and possibly meeting new neighbors? Once you've completed your maps, join us back at the church for a cup of hot cocoa! |