October 3, 2021


Preacher: Jesse Bradley Series: Move Beyond Scripture: Mark 1:21–28

You are not helpless when you see evil manifest itself in the world. Reject passivity and being intimidated. The story is not over, and God is bringing healing and can turn around the bleakest situation.


Opening Questions:

1) What gives you hope in challenging times? 

2) When have you seen Jesus turn around a situation?

3) How do we see the battle between light and darkness playing out in our world today? 


Text Questions:

1) Mark 1:21-23 What does the Bible teach about demons?

2) Mark 1:24 What is surprising about the demon’s theological knowledge? 

3) Mark 1:25-26 What authority does Jesus have and what authority does He give you? 

4) Mark 1:27-28 What good news can you share with people who feel trapped in darkness, hopeless and oppressed? 

5) Ephesians 6:10-17 How do you put on the armor of God and how do you actually use it?

6) Ephesians 6:18-20 How is prayer powerful in the spiritual battles of life and spreading the gospel?

7) John 1:1-5 What are sown reasons we praise Jesus and how do these verses encourage you? 


Reminder we have prayer at noon on Mondays via Zoom. Click the link below to join us in prayer.


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other sermons in this series

Dec 5



Preacher: David Chung Scripture: Mark 1:1–15 Series: Move Beyond

Nov 28



Preacher: Mark Edwards Scripture: Mark 12:28–34 Series: Move Beyond

Nov 21



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: Mark 10:46–52 Series: Move Beyond