February 13, 2022


Preacher: Jesse Bradley Series: A Jesus Community Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:12–22

Following Jesus includes many unexpected detours. The apostle Paul explains to the Corinthians how God is leading him. Transitions can be difficult on many levels. Relationships are complicated, and faithfulness to God is what matters the most in every situation.

How will you adjust?

1) If you listen to God, He will often guide you from the original plan to the new plan as you bless people.

2) When you make good changes, you will still disappoint people, be misunderstood, and pay a personal cost.

3) Focus on the presence and promises of God as you humbly stand firm and faithfully serve.

4) Have confidence in the Holy Spirit who will lead you with smaller changes that are linked to far more significant changes.  


Three Main Points: 

Plan In Pencil

Making Adjustments

Listening To God


Opening Questions:

1) Who has blessed you in the last week and what did they do? 

2) Who can you bless this week?

3) How do you tend to feel about and respond to change? 


Text Questions: 

1) 2 Corinthians 1:12-14 How does Paul feel about the people in Corinth? 

2) 2 Corinthians 1:15-17 When have you changed your plans and how was God leading you? 

3) 2 Corinthians 1:18 What does it feel like when people criticize you or your message? 

4) 2 Corinthians 1:19-22 How does God's faithfulness and the leading of the Holy Spirit make a difference for Paul and us?

5) Proverbs 16:9 Why is it good to have a plan and how do you know when it's best to change the plan? 

6) Joshua 1:6-9 In what ways did Joshua need to be courageous and how can you relate?

7) Proverbs 18:15 How can you grow in the skill of discernment? 


Reminder we have prayer at noon on Mondays via Zoom. Click the link below to join us in prayer.


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other sermons in this series

Jun 12



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:5–14 Series: A Jesus Community

Jun 5



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:11– 13:4 Series: A Jesus Community

May 29



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:11– 13:4 Series: A Jesus Community