July 7, 2024


Preacher: Jesse Bradley Series: Unite

Opening Questions:

1) How are hope and trust connected?
2) Is it easier to gain or lose trust?
3) How do you know when to trust someone?

Text Questions:

1) Isaiah 26:3-4 How does trusting God improve our relationships?
2) Proverbs 3:5-6 Are there any areas of life where you are not trusting God?
3) Joshua 1:6-9 How does Scripture and meditation increase your faith?
4) Jeremiah 17:5-8 What do we learn here?
5) Psalm 1:1-6 How is character related to unity and hope?
6) Proverbs 13:20 Are your friends very wise?
7) Micah 6:8 Are we people whom God can trust?