The Worship & Arts Team vision is to help our church family and guests feel at ease as they are led in God-glorifying worship experiences that invite a deeper relationship with Christ at all weekend services and at other special events and services.
Vocals: Sings melody and harmony to accompany the vocal lead and may be asked to lead on parts of a song.
Instrumentals: Accompany the vocal team with any instrument consisting of rhythm, strings, brass, woodwinds, and percussion. may also have solo opportunities.
Visual Tech: Edits and controls the worship center screens and LED wall. Primarily controls ProPresenter during songs and sermon and plays different forms of media.
Service Coordinator: Guide and direct Worship & Arts volunteers during a Sunday or special service through a direct line to each line (audio, visual, broadcast, and stage) to ensure each service flows correctly and well.
Prayer Team: Group of individuals who pray at the close of each service at the designated prayer stations.
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