Grace Community Church and Wabash Church invite you to stop in for Drive-Thru Prayer in our West parking lot each Monday and Friday from 5PM to 7PM.


Join the Team! Complete the Impact Team form and specify Prayer Team in the "other" section. 

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Interested in starting a Drive-Thru Prayer ministry at your church?

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Drive-Thru Prayer exists to create opportunities for believers to practice fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by discipling each other and guests through Christian community and compassionate, Gospel-rich, appropriately tailored prayer and conversation.


Drive-Thru Prayer began as the Holy Spirit was leading us into a new gathering during the pandemic in 2020. We chose to reject the narrative of hopelessness and come together as a community. We are not made to be isolated. God doesn't give us a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind. We opened up our parking lot, and we were overwhelmed by the response. As car after car arrived, we all had tears of joy, profound appreciation, and a new sense of peace and courage. It was immediately clear that we experienced God's presence in the most inspiring and transformative way. We hosted more Drive-Thru prayer events and included food and resources for those in need.


In 2021, two couples from Wabash Church decided to turn their Bible study into a missional community, centered around serving and sharing their faith. After several dead-end ideas as a group, they desired to reach the community and each other with Jesus’ love and truth. They contacted Grace Community Church and explored a new collaboration. Jesus wants us to unite as one family. It was His longest prayer in the Bible (John chapter 17). We are better together. With a shared purpose and passion, our deep desire is that our city becomes filled with the hope of God through listening, caring, and praying together. 

Drive-Thru prayer became a weekly gathering, in all weather conditions throughout the year. Every week, people pull into the parking lot and pour out their hearts. Some people begin a relationship with God, some people receive healing, some people are encouraged, some people return to God, some people decide to come to church, and some people reconcile with family. There are no limits to what God can do. We pray with each other and trust God with the results. To God be all the glory. Prayer is another way to love our neighbors. The hope of Jesus is infinite and moves far beyond the walls of the church. A relationship with God includes where we live, work, learn, and play. 


Drive-Thru prayer has multiplied in many other locations, including cities in Washington, Kentucky, Texas, and Arizona to name a few locations. We created a booklet to assist groups that want to start Drive-Thru prayer in their city. Please let us know if we can support you in any ways. We recently sent the information to other countries like Peru and Hungary. We have a sense that the best is yet to come.

If you live near Auburn, please come by on Monday and Friday nights. Your story is important, and you are welcomed with love! God continues to expand this ministry, and we are joyfully following His leading. God takes small beginnings and builds something special to connect people from all nations and generations. We are on a beautiful adventure together. Thanks for your interest. God is doing a new thing, and the stories of transformed lives are incredibly inspiring. There is a sense of wonder, awe and indestructible hope in His presence.