Grace Path

Path of membership, baptism, discipleship

Grace Path logo

The Grace Path guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you. The Path is made up of four steps that equip you in 1) Discovering Grace, 2) Growing in Grace, 3) Serving in Grace, and 4) Living Out Grace.


Step One

Discovering Grace

First Sunday of the month

Everyone wants to find a place where they belong; a church to call home. Whether you are new to church, to Grace, or have been attending here for a while, we invite you to get to know us. Discovering Grace is designed to help you discover the mission, vision, and foundation of Grace Community Church. Together, we will walk through the topics of Salvation, Communion, Baptism, and Membership.



Step Two

Growing In Grace logo

Second Sunday of the month

In the second step, we walk through four habits that help build Spiritual Maturity in your life as you grow in your walk with God: Daily Time in God’s Word, Prayer, Tithing – Giving Back to God, and building Healthy Relationships. Establishing and maintaining these healthy habits will help you thrive in your walk with God and open the door for you to not only Abide but also Respond to His direction.


Step Three

Serving In Grace

Third Sunday of the month

What we do in our lives matters to God. Sometimes we may feel that our actions or choices don’t matter, but we were created to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives! Serving in Grace is the step to take when you are looking for the perfect place to serve based on who you are. Sign up to learn more about your spiritual gifts, and how it can lead you to your perfect ministry match where you can start making a difference in the lives of others!



Step Four

Living Out Grace

Fourth Sunday of the month

As Christians, we are called to play a part in taking the Gospel to the world. This does not mean you need to uproot your life and become an overseas missionary to fulfill your mission in the world. It can be as simple as learning to tell your story and share your faith with people around you. Get a refreshing perspective on how God is working in and around the world and what Living Out Grace can look like for you!