A group of people learning to follow Jesus together. Jesus formed the first group to grow and be on mission with Him, and we continue His example and plan. We form Community, we study God’s Scripture, and we live a life of Outreach and Prayer together.
How do i join a life group?
Either text “Group” to 253-833-5660, visit the Connecting Center before or after Sunday service, or click HERE.
how do i lead a life group?
Email adults@graceinauburn.com to express interest and one of our staff will reach out to you.
Can i choose a life group based on my preferences?
Yes, Life Groups meet in various locations and at different times of day. Some are in-person, and some are virtual. Some are for men or women only, some are for young adults or parents, and some are multi-generational. Our staff will help you find a group that best fits your preferences.
Can I join Multiple life groups?
Yes, you can!