Opening Questions:
1) What are you excited about heading into this Fall season?
2) What are you desiring to gain from the 7 days of hope? (just go to to sign up)
3) Why is hope so important?
Text Questions:
1) 1 Peter 1:13 What does it mean to set your hope?
2) 1 Thessalonians 1:3 How does the hope of Jesus make a difference in our daily lives and how can you share it?
3) Ephesians 1:15-23 How can you pray for people based on these verses?
4) Romans 15:13 "The God of hope" is a great title- what has God done to demonstrate this?
5) Philippians 4:8 How can you intentionally shift and focus your thinking during the day?
6) Daniel 6:10 What did Daniel know about cultivating habits that increase hope during challenging times?
7) Mark 1:35-38 How did Jesus' habit of time alone with Father God lead to spreading a message of hope with more people?