December 31, 2023


Preacher: Mark Edwards

Opening Activity

1) Take a few minutes for people to share a little bit about their Christmas. There may be 1 or 2 prayer requests that come out of this time. Make any notes regarding the prayer requests so they can be remembered during your group’s time of prayer.
2) This is the beginning of a New Year. This is also a time for us to prepare for our annual time of Prayer & Fasting. In what ways can we prepare ourselves for a meaningful time of Prayer & Fasting?
3) Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-17. Encourage 1 or 2 people to take a few minutes to share when and what led to their decision to begin a new life with Jesus Christ as Savior.

Read John 12:17-30

Discussion Questions

1) John 12:18 The crowd came not only to see Jesus, but they also wanted to see/meet someone else. Who and why?
2) It is also written that the Pharisees were upset with what was going on. Why?
3) John 12:2426 Jesus took the opportunity to take the attention off past events He was involved in and directs the attention to what was to come. In verses 24 & 26, what were the two topics that Jesus guided them toward?
4) Read Matthew 3:13-17 and re-read John 12:28-29. Jesus' actions and words reminds us that He came to earth for a specific purpose. What happened in both passages that was significant?


What will you do to respond out of obedience to Jesus, and follow Him, in 2024? What specific circumstances/decisions are you seeking answers for as we enter into our time of Prayer & Fasting?

Give time for people to share and pray for one another. If you don’t have time for everyone to share, encourage your group to send their requests in an email that you can then share with everyone.