We are excited to take this journey of faith together as a church! The month of May will be a unifying and inspiring time to draw near to God. As one body in Christ, we are being challenged to spend 28 minutes a day in the word of God for 28 days. It will be an intentional time to seek God and make room in our lives for God’s presence and purposes.
We are hungry for God and hope in our souls. We see a deterioration spiritually and morally in our nation. We see churches that are trying to figure out how to be relevant and faithful. We know our families need God's help. it is time for healing in our land. We say, "No" to the status quo. We reject the narrative of hopelessness. Hope is available. Hope is relational. Hope is habitual. The hope of Jesus is indestructible.
Choosing hope does not mean that we stuff or hide our pain. Choosing hope does not send the message that denial is good. Choosing hope does not minimize our suffering. Choosing hope does not lack compassion and understanding. Choosing hope is not forcing or manipulating. Choosing hope is not a trite saying or superficial. Choosing hope is not necessarily easy to do. Choosing hope might be a very different pattern for your family. Choosing hope might be met with opposition. Choosing hope does not mean that life will become easier, and everything will start to become just how you want it. Choosing hope is simply a good decision in every situation because God offers a hope that is both in the eye of the storm and greater than the challenges we face.
For each of the 28 days, there are daily written and video devotionals for you as you seek God. In addition to Scripture and prayer, there is a video that covers a hope story from the Bible. The written piece is connected to the video devotional to help you go deeper with God.
We challenge you to invest in your relationship with God and take 28 minutes each day to meet with Him over the next 28 days. 28 minutes a day is both our recommendation and challenge. You will not regret this new habit and rhythm. Find others who will do the same. God will encourage and empower you in transformative ways as you seek Him.
Just Choose Hope