April 17, 2021


Preacher: Jesse Bradley Series: What is God Saying? Scripture: Joel 2:1–32

Opening Questions:

1) What city in our country has your favorite climate?

2) What kind of a spiritual climate does the Holy Spirit want to bring into our lives? 

3) What are some common misconceptions about the Holy Spirit? 


Text Questions:

1) Joel 2:28-29 What does it mean that God pours out the Holy Spirit into our lives?

2) John 14:15-20 Who is the Holy Spirit and why is He so significant?

3) Joel 2:1-3 How is drifting from God eventually like a desert wasteland? 

4) Joel 2:12-17 How and why do you return to God with all your heart?

5) Joel 2:24-27 When have you seen God restore areas of your life that have experienced destruction and disappointment? 

6) Acts 4:29-31 How are prayer and the Holy Spirit connected throughout the Bible and in our lives?

7) Psalm 42:1-2 When have you been hungry for God and what about now? 


Reminder we have prayer at noon on Tuesdays via Zoom. Click the link below to join us in prayer.


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