November 27, 2022


Preacher: Mark Edwards Series: Empowered Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:9–22

Opening Questions

1) Whether at work, school, or in our neighborhood, there are situations when we experience persecution from others. Share with your group the circumstances associated with the persecution.

2) Share a time when you needed help from someone else. Who was it that came to your need? How did you respond to their help? How did it feel to have someone there for you?

3) Has there been a time when you knew God was using you to encourage/strengthen someone else? Describe the situation and how you felt?


Text Questions

1) 2 Timothy 4:11 If you are/were serving in a ministry at church or in your community, who would you want serving with you and why?

2) 2 Timothy 4:14-15 Why do you think Paul was so direct with Timothy re: Alexander the metalworker? Have you had an “Alexander” in your life?

3) 2 Timothy 4:16-17 Ever felt all alone in the midst of your trial or persecution? How did God strengthen you during that time? What did you learn from it?

4) 2 Timothy 4:18  Paul was always confident that God would rescue him. How do you respond in times like that? How can you grow in your relationship with Him to increase your confidence in God as your rescuer?


Time of Prayer

Take time to pray for each other. Share how your life group can pray for you this week. Suggestions on how to pray:

  • That God will strengthen them during their difficulties
  • That God can use them to encourage someone else
  • To respond in worship and adoration to God during persecution and suffering

other sermons in this series

Nov 20



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1–8 Series: Empowered

Nov 13



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:1–17 Series: Empowered

Nov 6



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14–26 Series: Empowered