Invite a friend for the kickoff of 28 Days of Hope, giveaways, and a free 28-day devotional book!

9:00AM & 10:45AM #justchoosehope

May 22, 2021


Preacher: Jesse Bradley Series: What is God Saying? Scripture: Obadiah 1:1–21

Opening Questions:

1) Why do you need to guard the unity in your family and your brothers and sisters in the Lord too?

2) Why is there so much adultery in our country?

3) What helps you to stay loyal to your friends and commitments?

Text Questions:

1) Obadiah 1.1-4 What do you know about Edom and why does Obadiah confront the Edomites?

2) Obadiah 1:10-14 What are the behaviors and attitudes that God rebukes?

3) Obadiah 1:15 How does this verse change your relatIonships?

4) Proverbs 18:24 What friends have been loyal to you?

5) Ruth 1:16-17 Who are some loyal and inspiring people in the Bible?

6) Romans 1:16 What does it look like to be loyal to the gospel and with your calling?

7) John 8:12 Why is loyalty to Jesus and your church important?

Reminder we have prayer at noon on Tuesdays via Zoom. Click the link below to join us in prayer. https://zoom.us/j/93096316976?pwd=VW4yOWx3NXpWOGdYTHZ5UWthUUU3UT09

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