Opening Questions:
1) How has God been encouraging you lately?
2) When have you overcome a significant obstacle?
3) How do you see light versus darkness played out in our city and nation today?
Text Questions:
1) Exodus 5:1-2 How do you handle opposition to your faith and what God has called you to do?
2) Exodus 5:4-9 Have you ever been serving God faithfully and the situation appeared to get worse or more challenging?
3) Exodus 5:22-6:1 When have you questioned God's direction and wrestled with doubt?
4) Job 42:2 How does this verse apply to your life?
5) Isaiah 41:13 How does God reassure us when we are insecure?
6) Luke 10:41-42 Why is it so important to intentionally spend time with Jesus?
7) Romans 5:3-5 How does God redeem what is difficult and painful?