November 14, 2021


Preacher: Jesse Bradley Series: Move Beyond Scripture: Mark 10:13–16

Jesus is declaring that His kingdom is different from this world. He is standing up to the interference and blessing those who are treated like second-class people.  Are you aiming to be loyal and faithful to Jesus or to the culture where you live? Jesus breaks patterns of discrimination with his radical love. Let’s follow Jesus as we bring courage and compassion into relationships. Love and truth win over hate and fear. 


Opening Questions:

1) What are cultural norms and what are some examples?

2) Describe the tension when a cultural norm does not align with Jesus and Scripture?

3) Have you ever intentionally or wisely broken a cultural norm?


Text Questions:

1) Mark 10:13 Why would the disciples reject children and why do still reject them today? 

2) Mark 10:14 What is Jesus feeling and saying that is inspiring? 

3) Mark 10:15-16 How can you be like children and bless children? 

4) John 4:7-10 What cultural norms does Jesus break and why?

5) Luke 15:1-4 What cultural norms does Jesus break and why?

6) Acts 11:15-18 What cultural norms is the Holy Spirit breaking and why? 

7) John 8:2-11 What cultural norms does Jesus break and why?


Pray about who you can invite to your place for Thanksgiving this year. 



Reminder we have prayer at noon on Mondays via Zoom. Click the link below to join us in prayer. 

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other sermons in this series

Dec 5



Preacher: David Chung Scripture: Mark 1:1–15 Series: Move Beyond

Nov 28



Preacher: Mark Edwards Scripture: Mark 12:28–34 Series: Move Beyond

Nov 21



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: Mark 10:46–52 Series: Move Beyond