September 12, 2021


Preacher: Jesse Bradley Series: The Joy of Serving Scripture: Titus 2:1–8

The body of Christ includes many nations, generations, and ethnicities. When we are united together, it provides a more complete picture of who Jesus is. We need to take intentional steps to listen, understand, and learn from each other.


Opening Questions:

1) What new friendships are you enjoying? 

2) Do you seek out people who are older than you to mentor you?

3) What skills and spiritual experiences can you pass on to the next generation? 


Text Questions:

1) Titus 2:1-3 What are you teaching and urging older people to do?

2) Titus 2:4 How can you train more people and why does God what you to do that?

3) Titus 2:5-8 What does self-control look like in your life?

4) Deuteronomy 6:4-9 How do you leave a strong spiritual legacy?

5) Psalm 145:1-4 How often do you talk about the great things that the Lord has done in your life?

6) Exodus 20:5-6 How can sin patterns that are in families for decades be broken?

7) Malachi 4:6 How can we intentionally have a great hand off to the next generation at Grace, and not be distracted and drop the baton?


Reminder we have prayer at noon on Mondays via Zoom. Click the link below to join us in prayer.

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other sermons in this series

Sep 26



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: Titus 3:3–15 Series: The Joy of Serving

Sep 19



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: Titus 2:9– 3:2 Series: The Joy of Serving

Sep 5



Preacher: Jesse Bradley Scripture: Titus 1:10–16 Series: The Joy of Serving